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Talk to your donors about matching gifts

Did you know your donations could be doubled — or even tripled? That means double (or even triple!) the impact on animals in need. Ask your donors if their employers will match their gifts.

Hundreds of companies will match the charitable gifts made by their employees or retirees to encourage and reward giving. Businesses both large and small match employee contributions.

To ask a donor if their employer has a matching gift program or employee donation matching program, you can say something like,

Search for companies that have a matching gift program below.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Check with your employer directly (typically contacting Human Resources) to see if they offer a matching gift program that will increase the impact of your gift to the animals at Animal Humane Society. Some companies may also list their matching gift program on their internal employee portal/intranet.

Matching gift forms should be mailed to:

Animal Humane Society
Attn: Donor Services
845 Meadow Lane N
Golden Valley, MN 55422