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Top fundraisers and teams

For more than 50 years, we’ve been inspired by your passion, love, and commitment. Every dollar raised for the Walk for Animals changes lives — and these top fundraisers are leading the pack.

Want to see your name on this list? Visit our Fundraising Tips & Tools page for ideas and resources that'll make your fundraising efforts a big success!

Walk Star fundraising level

Walk Stars are especially passionate Walk participants who raise $1,000 or more for the Walk for Animals. These stars of fundraising make our mission possible day after day, year after year — and we couldn’t be more grateful.

To show our appreciation, Walk Stars receive exclusive perks during the Walk for Animals, including a special commemorative button, reserved parking, and more!

Walk Stars are crucial to the success of the Walk. Check out our fundraising resources (including tips and tools) to help you reach your goals.

The power of $1,000

Your phenomenal fundraising efforts make a difference in the lives of animals.

A life-changing ride
A gift of $1,000 funds the transport of 10 dogs from an overcrowded shelter partner to safety at AHS, where they’ll receive loving care while they wait for their second chance.

A brighter future
We’re helping vulnerable animals in our community find loving new homes — no matter how long it takes. There is no time limit for how long an animal stays in our adoption centers. A gift of $1,000 allows us to provide 13 days of basic housing and care for a cat in our shelter.

A second chance
As a local leader in animal welfare, AHS can provide dental surgeries, X-rays, and ultrasounds — all on-site. A gift of $1,000 provides X-rays for eight injured animals in need of diagnosis.


Top individuals

Top teams