If you're already registered for this year's Walk for Animals, log in here to access your Participant Center.
Forgot password?We’re thrilled to host a variety of food and beverage vendors, retailers, rescue partners, and pet service providers!
Visit our vendors and participate in fun animal-related activities with your pet. While some vendors may accept credit cards, we encourage our Walk participants to bring cash.
We do our very best to accommodate dietary restrictions and provide a variety of affordable food options for our Walkers. Please note a valid I.D. will be required to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Adams Pest Control
Blaze Credit Union
Capella University
Carriage Realty
Chuck & Don’s
E.A. Sween/Deli Express
For Goodness Socks
Fuzzbutt Boutique
Gardner Builders
Hellmuth & Johnson
Leech Lake Legacy
Life Care Animal Hospital
Maple Grove Pet Hospital
McFloofypants Creations LLC
Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society
MN Pocket Pet rescue
Mortenson Construction
Must Be Ruff
Pawtography Studios
Peoples & Pets by Jon Kittleson
Pet Wants Minneapolis
Refine Wealth Strategies
Summer Lakes Beverage
The Bond Between
Interested in a terrific way to reach potential new animal loving customers? Humans and pets visit vendors before, during, and after the Walk. Enjoy exposure to thousands of animal lovers at the Walk for Animals!