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Volunteer at the Walk for Animals

Volunteers make the Walk for Animals possible. Thank you for your interest in volunteering at this year's event on Saturday, May 3. As a volunteer you'll be part of the action, get to meet adorable animals, and be an integral part in supporting Animal Humane Society's mission to engage the hearts, hands, and minds of the community to help animals.

All Walk for Animals volunteers receive a free T-shirt when they check-in for their role.

Volunteer roles

Volunteer registration for this year's Walk for Animals will open soon. Check back soon for available volunteer roles.

Age requirements

Volunteers for the Walk must be 16 years of age or older.

Volunteer opportunities for groups

We're able to accommodate some small groups to volunteer. Each group member must register individually. We cannot guarantee group members will volunteer in the same area as few roles allow for more than 4-8 volunteers. Please encourage your group members to register as soon as possible, as volunteer slots fill up quickly.

Expectations and check-in details

All roles: Check in at Volunteer Check-in at the Dairy Building upon arrival. Training will be provided by staff leads when you arrive at your station. Staff will also be your primary go-to person throughout the day as questions arise. You will be provided maps and general information about the event as attendees often have general questions when visiting activities.

Outdoor roles: Dress comfortably and for the weather, anticipating temperature and precipitation changes. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing that allows for movement.

Indoor roles: Although some roles are indoors and sheltered, they are not necessarily climate controlled. Please still dress appropriately for the weather. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing that allows for movement.


Please fill out our contact form or call 763-432-4834 for more information. Thank you!