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Walk for Animals Participant Badges

New this year! Earn badges on your personal page based on your activity for the Walk for Animals event. Strive to be an overachiever and earn all that you can.

Badges for Amount Raised:

Raised $100 and earned a T-shirt
Raised $100 & Earned a T-Shirt
Raised $1,000 (Walk Star)
Raised $1,000 (Walk Star)
Raised $2,500
Raised $2,500
Exceeded fundraising goal
Exceeded Fundraising Goal

Badges for Number of Gifts Received:

Received 5 or more separate gifts
Received 5+ Separate Gifts
Received 10 or more separate gifts
Received 10+ Separate Gifts

Badges for Number of Emails Sent:

Sent 20 or more emails
Sent 20+ Emails

Badges for Participation:

Made a personal donation
Self Donor
Captain of a team
Team Captain
Member of a team
On a Team
Personalized my fundraising page
Personalized Fundraising Page
Returning walker
Returning Walker